
甲乙两公司约定:甲公司向乙公司 专业英语翻译


Cooperation Agreement between XXX Co., Ltd. and YYY Co., Ltd.

甲方: XXX有限公司




Party A: XXX Co., Ltd.




乙方: YYY有限公司




Party B: XXX Co., Ltd.





In the principle of mutual benefit, both parties hereto reached the following Agreement upon the negotiation that Party B is entrusted as the Thailandn channel vendor by Party A:


I.Party B’s obligations and regulations to follow

1.1 乙方应尽一切努力在泰国整个国家推广和销售该产品;

1.1 Party B shall make every effort to promote and sell the products throughout Thailand;

1.2 乙方应保持有日常的经营地点,数量充足及经过培训的人员在区域内向客户提供令甲方满意的充分的销售、市场和售后服务;

1.2 Party B shall maintain the adequate places of daily business and trained personnel in the region to provide the sufficient sales, marketing and after-sales services to the satisfaction of Party A;

1.3 乙方应配备至少5销售人员专职负责甲方产品的销售、配备至少3名经过甲方认证的工程师,确保能够快速解决最终客户的现场问题,这是核心代理商和高级代理商不可推卸的责任;

1.3 Party B shall provide at least 5 full time salespersons to be responsible for the sales of Party A’s products and at least 3 engineers certified by Party A to ensure the prompt resolution of the on-site problems of the final customers. This is the inescapable responsibility for the core agents and senior agents;

1.4 对客户的索赔,乙方应配合甲方共同审视酌情承担赔偿责任,确保快速高效地解决用户现场问题,为客户提供满意的售后服务和方案;

1.4 For the customers’ claim, Party B shall cooperate with the Party A to jointly review and assume the appropriate compensation, so as to ensure the rapid and efficient resolution of the users’ on-site problems, and to provide customers with the satisfactory after-sales service and programs;


1.5 Party B may develop its own subordinate distributors, and Party B shall be responsible for supervision to ensure that the subordinate distributors to comply with the relevant policies and regulations formulated by Party A to carry out promotion and sales work. All the violation liabilities of the subordinate distributors shall be borne entirely by Party B;

1.6 在合作期间,乙方应按照甲方要求保持甲方产品的基本库存量,并承担所有费用。如产品存货量少于基本库存量的20%,乙方应在15 个工作日之内按照本条规定下新订单补齐。双方可通过书面协议形式调整基本库存量;

1.6 During the period of cooperation, Party B shall keep the basic stock of Party A’s products according to the request of Party A and bear all the expenses. If the product inventory is less than 20% of the basic inventory, Party B shall, within 15 working days, place the new order to replenish in accordance with the provisions of this Article. Both parties may adjust the basic stock quantity through written agreement;


1.7 Party B shall, prior to the 10th day of each month, notify Party A of the relevant market situation, the sales activity of Party B in the current month, the forecast of the sales volume of the next three months and the relevant information of the lost items, etc. in writing, so as to facilitate Party A’s follow-up, understanding the situation and formulation of the corresponding countermeasures;

1.8 乙方如发现在泰国地区有对甲方产品、商标、版权进行假冒侵犯等现象或行为应及时通知甲方;

1.8 In the event that Party B has found the counterfeiting and infringement issues or behaviors of Party A’s products, trademarks and copyrights in Thailand, it shall promptly inform Party A;

1.9 乙方必须遵守甲方的价格体系,不得从事任何可能扰乱产品正常市场价格的行为,不得销售假冒甲方产品、损害甲方利益;

1.9 Party B shall abide by Party A’s price system and shall not engage in any acts that may disturb the normal market price of the products. Party B shall not sell counterfeit Party A’s products and harm Party A’s interests.

1.10 未经甲方确认、允许和存档,乙方不得擅自采用甲方的商标及公司标识印制名片,不可在名片上出现未经甲方许可的渠道商抬头,不可在名片上出现其他和贵品牌的商标或标识;

1.10 Without Party A’s acknowledgment, permission and filing, Party B shall not use Party A’s trademark and company logo to print business cards arbitrarily. It shall neither make the title of channel vendor on the name card without the permission of Party A, nor make other trademarks or logos of Hegui brand on the name card;

1.11 不得泄漏甲方的保密资料及商业情报、进价及本协议等;

1.11 It shall not disclose Party A’s confidential information and business intelligence, purchase price and this Agreement, etc.;


1.12 Other regulations of Party A that Party B shall comply with.


II. Rights and Obligations of Party A


2.2Party A shall provide Party B with the technical support and personnel training related to product sales once a year.

2.2 甲方将应乙方要求派出代表,免费协助乙方举办技术交流会等销售推广活动;

2.2 Party A shall, on the request of Party B, dispatch a representative to assist Party B in organizing the sales promotion activities including the technical exchange meeting free of charge;

2.3 甲方应负责起草并印制所有为产品市场推广和销售所必须的资料,包括产品介绍、技术手册、安装及使用技术手册等;

2.3 Party A shall be responsible for drafting and printing all necessary information for product marketing and sales, including product introduction, technical manual, installation and use, technical manuals, etc.;

2.4 甲方应制定合理、有竞争力的价格方案,并及时将新产品信息、产品技术升级、价格调整等信息通知乙方;

2.4 Party A shall formulate the reasonable and competitive price plans and inform Party B of new product information, product technology upgrades and price adjustments in a timely manner.

2.5 甲方负责产品的质量问题,对于乙方提出的质量投诉甲方应协助乙方及时解决并给出相关的书面回应;

2.5 Party A shall be responsible for the quality issues of the products and Party A shall assist Party B for the timely resolution and give the relevant written response for the quality complaint proposed by Party B;

2.6 甲方将有选择地向乙方提供市场需求及询价信息;

2.6 Party A shall selectively provide market demand and inquiry information to Party B;


III.Deposit, order, delivery, price and payment method

3.1 乙方向甲方预交美金50万为保证金,一年后无任何服务问题一次返还保证金!

3.1 Party B shall make the advance payment of 500,000 US Dollars as the deposit, which shall be returned in one time after one year if there are no any service issues!

3.2 乙方应根据甲方要求的程序和手续向甲方提交书面的产品订单。甲方在以书面形式接受和确认乙方的采购订单后,甲方受订单条款规定的约束;

3.2 Party B shall, in accordance with the procedures and formalities required by Party A, submit the written product orders to Party A. After Party A’s acceptance and confirmation of Party B’s purchase order in written form, Party A shall be bound by the terms and conditions of the order.

3.3 甲方在收到乙方订单并确认后,应按照订单要求组织货物的相关物流工作;

3.3 Party A shall, upon receipt and confirmation of Party B’s order, organize the relevant logistics work of the goods in accordance with the order requirements;

3.4 甲方应根据价格单或甲方发出的价格变化通知书的价格向乙方销售产品。甲方特此保留在原材料的价格波动情况下对价格单做出调整的权利;

3.4 Party A shall sell products to Party B in accordance with the price list or the price change notice issued by Party A. Party A hereby reserves the right to make adjustments to the price list in case of price fluctuations of raw materials;

3.5 对于任何产品的现行价格发生任何变动,甲方同意将在价格变动生效日前十五天以书面通知的形式告知乙方。变动生效日后所收到的所有订单都将适用变动后的新价格。甲承诺在价格变动生效日前收到的所有订单都将适用原有的价格。

3.5 For any change of the current price of any products, Party A agrees to inform Party B in writing fifteen days prior to the effective date of the price change. All new orders received after the effective date of the change will be subject to the changed new price. Party A promises that all orders received prior to the effective date of the price change shall apply to the original price.

3.6 乙方需在甲方发货前,按合同总金额全款以现金、支票、电汇方式转入甲方指定的账户,或开立以甲方为受益人的不可撤销(不附带任何条件)的即期信用证,甲方收到乙方提供的有效汇款证明后便会安排备货;

3.6 Party B shall, prior to the delivery by Party A, transfer the total amount of the contract in full by cash, check or telegraphic transfer to the account designated by Party A or issue the irrevocable sight letter of credit (without any conditions) with the beneficiary of Party A. Upon the receipt of the valid proof of remittance from Party B, Party A will arrange the goods preparation;

3.7 甲方在收到乙方的全数货款后安排发货事宜,如因乙方未能及时付款而导致发货延误,甲方将不会承担任何责任。

3.7 Party A shall arrange for the delivery matters after receipt of the full payment of Party B; in the event that the delivery is delayed as Party B’s failing to make payment in time, Party A shall not be held liable.

3.8 非甲方因素,乙方在订单确认后需要变更或者取消订单的,甲方将视订单生产进度收取10% – 15%的订单取消费用。

3.8 In the event that Party B needs to change or cancel the order after confirming the orders not because of the Party A’s factors, Party A shall charge 10% to 15% cancellation fee depending on the order and production progress.


IV. Confidentiality


Without the written consent of Party A, Party B shall not disclose this Agreement and trade secret (including but not limited to the price of Party A’s products and the information of channel vendors and end users) involved in the cooperation process of both parties by means of copy, record or other means. Party B shall comply with this confidentiality obligation within the validity period of this Agreement and within 1 year after the termination of this Agreement.


V. Violation of Agreement


Both parties hereto shall abide by the above Agreement, especially for the price, distribution scope and related conducts; in case there are any violations of the above terms, Party A has the right to warn, and if Party B does not make any improvements after the warning, Party A has the right to cancel Party B’s agent qualifications.


VI. Agreement Validity Period and Termination

本协议有效期自 2019年1月1日 至 2019年12月31日止。

This Agreement is valid for the period from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019.

6.1 任何一方均有权在提前30日书面通知对方而无故终止本协议;

6.1 Either Party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement without cause with the written notice to the other party 30 days in advance;

6.2 如乙方严重违反本协议的任何条款,且未能于甲方书面通知要求履行未完成之义务后的十天内纠正该违约或其无能力作出纠正则甲方可终止本协议;

6.2 In case that Party B seriously violates any provision of this Agreement and fails to correct the default or incapable to correct within 10 days after written notice of failure to perform the obligation by Party A, Party A may terminate this Agreement;

6.3 在发生以下任何情况时,甲方有权在向乙方发出终止通知后,以相应原因为由终止本协议,并立即生效

6.3 In any of the following circumstances, Party A shall have the right to terminate this Agreement on the ground of the corresponding reasons after issuing a notice of termination to Party B and shall take immediate effect;

6.4 乙方解体、清算、破产或控制权变更;

6.4 Party B has the dissolution, liquidation, bankruptcy or change of control power;

6.5 乙方资不抵债;

6.5 Party B is insolvent;

6.6 未经甲方书面同意,乙方试图转让本协议的全部或某部分的;

6.6 Without Party A’s written consent, Party B has attempted to assign all or part of this Agreement;

6.7 乙方提交任何欺骗性或其明知是虚假的报告、报表或其他要求,进行财务报销、退款或信用交易的。

6.7 Party B submits any fraudulent or knowingly false reports, statements or other requirements for the purpose of financial reimbursement, refund or credit transaction.

6.8 在本协议终止或不再续期时,双方均应遵守和履行以下各项义务:

6.8In case of the termination or discontinuity of this Agreement, both Parties shall comply with and perform the following obligations:

6.9 乙方应向甲方偿付其欠甲方的所有款项;

6.9 Party B shall pay to Party A all amounts owed to Party A;

6.10 乙方应向甲方归还甲方在本协议项下向其提供的所有规格和任何性质的其他文件和保密信息

6.10 Party B shall return to Party A all other documents and confidential information of all specifications and any nature provided to Party A under this Agreement;

6.11 协议终止后的一年内,乙方不得以低于市场最低限价销售任何甲方产品。

6.11 Within one year after the termination of the Agreement, Party B shall not sell any Party A’s Products below the market minimum price.


VII.Dispute Resolution


Both Parties shall make their best endeavors to resolve any disputes, differences or problems that may arise in relation to this Contract through direct and friendly negotiation.


In case that both parties fail to settle the disputes in relation to this contract or contracts through the negotiations, both parties agree to bring a lawsuit to the people’s court at the place where Party A is located for settlement.


VIII. Other


The appendix is an integral part of this Agreement and shall have the same legal effect as this agreement. For any unaccomplished matter, both parties shall enter into a supplemental agreement through consultation separately.


This agreement is in duplicate, and shall be effective after signed and sealed by Party A and Party B.

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